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Have sex with many many many different girls.

Paid Scenes Have sex with many many many different girls.

Hi! I think we have here a powerful concept!

With the help of random variable combinations, I've managed to build a system that ensures that you'll never come across the same girl twice (or else you'd have to swipe 12 000 times). Then you can date the girl you like. A basic sex scene follows.

Following some critical feedback from a user, I decided to make some major changes to the existing system.
FFollowing some critical feedback from a user, I decided to make some major changes to the existing system. V9 is the first part of the big changes:

What I've worked on a lot:
The quality of the looks!! There are fewer ugly/glitchy girls. Every girls looks a lot smoother and beautiful than before.

Made it easier to match

You can take shower and shave, in the bathroom to win some mojo points.

Many new hairstyles, and some new clothes, for more diversity

The quality of the looks!! There are fewer ugly/glitchy girls. Every girls looks a lot smoother and beautiful than before.

Made it easier to match

You can take shower and shave, in the bathroom to win some mojo points.

Many new hairstyles, and some new clothes, for more diversity

Many new hairstyles, and some new clothes, for more diversity

a longer discussion that's the first brick in my system that will make every discussion different in the future, with multiple-choice answers.

Added facial expressions for discussion and sex, and light animation to make it more lively during the date.

Grey Ivory Nude Minimal Feminine Elegant Moodboard Photo Collage A4 Document.jpg

V8.7: Now is not 50% chance for match a girl, it depend of the girl (+ she is beautiful, + it will hard to have a match) and of your mojo score(+ you have mojo, + it will be easy to match) you win some mojo when you date a girl :)💪 So the more you date, the more it will be easy to date the most beautiful women ;) (It was a real pain to code it in VAM,so i hope you will like it)
V8.8: x1,25 numers of different morphs :)
V8.6: I added new feature, it's the random match. It's more like real life, when you match a girl you don't have 100% chance to have her to match. Here i puted to 50%
V8.5: I added 20 more photo backgrounds
V8.2: I added 1 more sex animation
I fixed some clothes presets to fit with differents morphologies
Speed up the date discussion time.

V8: I added 20 more clothes presets
V7: I added 6 sex animations so now we have 10 sex animations!

V6: I duplicate numbers of poses and added name and age of the profiles!

V5: I duplicate numbers of morphs and and of the skins to the randomness:

Possibilities of girl(morphs,skin,hairstyles)1 5003 00012 00012 000
24 000
Possibilities of girl considering her clothes style15 00060 000240 000240 000
960 000
Possibilities of photo for 1 girl(pose,background)100400400800
sex animations334411
(The numbers of possibilities seem huge but in fact it has to be huge because if one girl have just a different hairstyle but same morphs, same skin it will consider like another possibilities, my long term objectif to be almost as random as real life tinder is to have 1 000 000 possibilities of girl 200 000 000 considering her clothes and 40 000 possibilities of photo for one girl)

V4: I added a new blowjob sex animation, you can try it with your matchs!

V3: New button "next pictures" you can stay on the same girl but see other pictures! (as you see in the video)
twice as many clothes!






V2 : most of you had a bug with the swip random, now this bug is fixed,
I add more variety in photo backgrounds.
If you had V1 and had this bug, just tell me in pm i will provide you the V2 for free of course.

I've got tons of ideas to improve it and make it even more amazing! More variety and diversity for the girls, more randomness and quantity for the discussions and also for the sex! I'll put some polls for my patreon to know what you would like for the evolutions of that.!🧝‍♀️👩‍🦰👩‍🦱👩‍🦰👩👱‍♀️👩‍🦳💁‍♀️💪
Twerk vr
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Latest updates

  1. 9.5

    ⁂ a longer discussion that's the first brick in my system that will make every discussion...
  2. 9

    First part of the big changes: What I've worked on a lot: ⁂The quality of the looks!! There...
  3. 9

    => More different faces and body variety => More Skin textures with differents tatoos and...

Latest reviews

A really good idea poorly executed.

The quality of the girls randomly generated leaves a lot to be desired and you end up wasting a lot of time just swiping. The recently added feature to conditionalize the date makes it even worse, in my opinion, considering you may not even get to do anything interesting when you get lucky enough to find a decent match.

Personally, I'd like to see it use existing user presets instead of randomly generate looks, so the default quality of the women would at least be based on the users personal tastes.

I found the overall interface a little buggy, but hopefully they can improve things over time, although don't have a lot of confidence base on other content from the creator.

Ultimately, lost potential.
Twerk vr
Twerk vr
First, thx for your feedback!
Although it's harsh to hear, given the number of hours I've already spent constructing this scene, it will be useful for the future to take all users' feedback into consideration. Because yes, I've already got a lot of users who find the scene nice to use and who encourage me. But the feelings of who are more demanding will help me more to see the direction to improve this.

✪ Quality of the girls:
It's possible that I've gone too far in my desire for realism to make the app also suggests ugly or not-so-great girls. (just like in real life, there is not only cutes or hot girls on app). I think you've probably right, I will work on it, especially since the match are randomized, which makes matches with ugly girls easier, I think the ugly ones need to be less ugly.

✪ The new feature that makes match success random:
Actually it's the firsts version with it and yes I realized that it was too hard. But I think the idea is a good one, for realism and to give a feeling of improvement over the time. But I'm going to do two things:
-make it easier
-make the progress of chance points much faster (I've created a feature that allows you to take a shower and shave that give points)

✪ "I'd like to see it use existing user presets instead of randomly generate looks":
I've been thinking about it, and it's true that it could be fun. But I wanted to work on a general scene that works before making specifics one. But it's in my plans! For example, you thought about only blondes, only big boobs, only curvy girls or only ethnic girls? Even then it would lose realism. You thought about categories like that?

➤But you're wrong if you think I don't care about improving the scene. I'm starting to get support from a lot of people and I wanna make everyone satisfied, and the idea of this scene in particular is really to make a scene that I'm constantly working on because it still has so much potential in the future! For example, the date will have discussions, with choice answers, and also random reaction of her. I've already spent about ten hours designing the discussion system, but it's not ready yet. The sex part will also have different flavors in the future. The idea is really to make a unique scene that you won't get bored of, because it features different people and the same thing doesn't happen twice. But that's in the future, and I need to built up a very solid base before add more things.

May we stay in touch by message so I can make you test the improvements?
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