• Hi Guest!

    This is a notice regarding recent upgrades to the Hub. Over the last month, we have added several new features to improve your experience.
    You can check out the details in our official announcement!
Fix if the person has multiple scalps.
Yay, double update today :)

New Flex Region: Neck
  • Only left right and up down rotations.
  • No left right tilting (z-rotation). EDIT: This decision was made because of the UI only allowing for 4 directions per region. But I just noticed that it's silly to have separate settings for left and right rotation. Expect the tilting to be added in the future.
  • No support tracking for now.
  • I wonder why nobody requested/reminded me on that one...
Fixed an internal error regarding the support tracking of the legs if HeelAdjust2 is not present and improved some internals to fight memory leakage.

New Flex-Region: Hand
  • Drives the ligaments
  • Fingers behave independently, but the settings apply to all
  • No thumb
Fixes: Noticed and fixed two fundamental flaws with FlexIt
  • Rotational accelerations were calculated in world space, which means faulty behavior if not in default pose
  • Accelerations were switching sign each update due to faulty measurements, which lead to dynamic flexing of both directions (bend and stretch) in situations where only one should be active.
At this point I want to make a huge shout out to @Dombl, who is relentlessly chewing through my un-documented code and helps me spotting out errors and usually comes up with some solutions to fix them! I really appreciate that! :)

It looks better in game / without recording
The WorkOut measurements now have the same trigger functionality known from BodyLanguage.
  • Fix: Workout did not load it's settings on scene load.
  • Improved updater: The session plugin now parses the current settings if it has to update the plugins. So scene settings won't be lost. If you just use the "UserDefaults" or the facory defaults you can skip updating the session plugin for now. Either way, you should not have to update any of your scenes! The session plugin (old or new) will take care of that. Tell me if it's not working correctly!
  • Tip: I was asked if it was possible to drive the skin fresnel alongside the gloss value in WorkOut. You can do that by yourself: Add a "VariableTrigger" atom to the scene and set the driver to be person > skin > Gloss. From there you can do whatever you want. Adjust the fresnel or ramp up some lights while your girl gets sweaty!
The next update will probably be a bigger one, as I am once again at a turning point. I'm close to rip some more features out of my other project and join them with FlexIt. I think flexit should be a plugin for everyday usage and should therefore contain all the cool features that do not interfere with scenes but enhance the overall experience. I'm a bit concerned about the plugin name though, if I widen up the spectrum that much...

I talked about them before, but these are the features I have in mind as I use them regularly for quite some time and they play nicely with most scenes:
  1. Automatic full body slapping, including optional audio (moan or speech), blink and expression reactions. This sometimes leads to unwanted slappings on collisions with the environment etc. but I think I can get rid of that.
  2. Advanced penetration handling, especially for the anus, including gaping, (another) belly bulger and various measurements that you could use to trigger things in your scene, like depth, stretch and speed.
  3. Automatic nipple stiffening based on touches on user definable body regions and sensitivities.
I'll rout for the anus, cause it's easiest to port over and make it standalone. The other two are linked because they both rely on collision tracking. I may even join them altogether, since a good titt slap can lead to a considerable amount of stiffening ;)
What do you think?

If you want to see the anus in action (or 2 other cool vids) come over to my discord:
Sorry for the many updates lately, but I have something that could make up for it:
  • The session plugin has the option to auto update ShakeIt and HeelAdjust2 to the latest version installed, if the model already has a version on it.
  • The session plugin does not have to be updated for this to work. You can keep your session plugin preset the same throughout future updates of the 2 plugins.
  • If I change something in the session plugin I'll let you know, so that you can update it. Otherwise it's not necessary to update anything in scenes or elswere. Just install the latest versions, restart VAM and you're up to date, everywhere.
Cool, huh? :)
Forgot to update 2 files, sorry for that.
An enhanced version of my plugin WorkOut is now included as a new module.
  • It adjusts the skin gloss value of the character based on movement he or she performes
  • There is a lot more going on under the hood than 'move -> increase' and 'stay still -> decrease'. In short:
    • For every given movement pattern (or pose) you'll reach a certain plateau regarding the gloss value
    • The value of that plateau increases the longer you perform that movement (exhaustion)
    • Higher values are less likely to be reached and the higher the gloss is, the faster it decays (evaporation)
  • The module is disabled by default to not mess with your skin settings
  • Whats new:
    • All new parameters driving an all new algorithm.
    • Physically accurate. The old version was driven by the accelerations, whereas the new version calculates the actual change in kinetic energy (dot product of m*v times a, which is the derivative of 0.5m*v^2 in respect to t (for you fellow physicists out there)).
    • It also takes the muscle flexing into account, leading to sweat buildup in static poses, if they are physically demanding.
    • It also drives the 'Gloss Texture Offset'. This is meant to be used with @WeebUVR 's sweat and gloss maps. I fiddled a lot to make it consistent across all gloss values. For that, the offset has to actually decrease after a certain gloss threshold with a certain rate (power of three). You can adjust these values, but I don't recommend that cause it probably will look worse. I don't know how it looks with other gloss textures.
If you have any questions regarding the parameters, feel free to ask. But I'm not sure if I can answer them - almost a year has passed since I wrote this ;)

So, now that this is done, I can hopefully put my focus back on my main project. I really like to model real life behaviours with algorithms, and the project I'm talking about has plenty of that:
  • Full body auto slapping with vocal and facial reactions
  • Pronounced automatic sex slaps
  • General (vocal) reactions specific to touches of any body region
  • Nipple stiffening based on touches (not just the nipple trigger)
  • Anus relaxation, gaping and twinking
  • Bulging
  • Reactions if you watch any body region for a certain amount of time (you'll need FocusOnMe for that)
  • All of this will have inbuilt reactions, but you can also trigger other things via native triggers (penetration depth/stretch, time looked at breasts, recent slap intensity and so on...)
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