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Texture work tips and tricks discussion.


Well-known member
I plan to learn substance painter but im still using photoshop for now, I assume thats what most of you use as well. Thought it would be cool to share some tips with eachother to help us all get even better looking textures. With that in mind I present my current dilema:

Im trying to separate the darker hair details from the rest of the skin so i can use it for a texture.

And not just hair, any time im trying to isolate some details from a reference photograph its a real hassle. theres got to be a better way i dont know of.
You can select by color range!

Then pick a skin tone with the color picker! Experiment with the fuzziness to get best results! I usually invert the selection.

Add a layer mask!
cool thanks for the reply. Ive used separation by color range but it doesnt always give me the clean separation i need. The other technique im using is using high pass to isolate details then use luminosity to blend them in to the texture. But this also isnt as clean as id like.
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